Get in Touch with Us

The landscape of refurbished telecom hardware is undergoing a remarkable transformation. As a globally recognized leader, our team is at the forefront, establishing new benchmarks for a rigorous refurbishment process that consistently delivers exceptional results. Each of our environmentally responsible telecom products embarks on a meticulous journey before earning the prestigious approval for sale. Our commitment to quality is further reinforced by our inclusion of a warranty as a standard offering with every purchase.

Brazil Office

Address: Rua Do Marques , 118 Cxpst 40, Parnamirim, Recife, Pernambuco - CEP: 52060280 - Brazil

Phone: +55 11 3280 5877

Portugal Office

Address: Rua Centro Comunitário Paroquial, Nº1ªA 1685-244 - Lisbon

Phone: +351 21 9336932

United Kingdom Office

Address: High Trees, Trystings Close , Claygate, KT10 0TF – United Kingdom

Phone: +44 20 7097 6755

Colombia Office

Address: Carrera 7 # 77-98, Bogotá, Colombia

Phone: +57 1 234 5678

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